Thursday, November 8, 2018

One Boot...

It's interesting how each child no matter how much they look alike, can be so entirely different.  They can have the same mannerisms, or the same laugh, or the same favorite foods.  But my children are so different. This is good, and bad for me.  Bad, because I don't know what to expect.  Just as I think I'm understanding my oldest a little better, I get this tiny boost in confidence, and think, "I can do this!"  And then I try what I learned on my middle child, and she shoots me down, or it doesn't make any sense to her. It just doesn't work.  And we won't talk about the toddler yet. Whew, she's learning sass from her big sister #2. 
One thing I am noticing about them though is their love for boots.  All 3 of them love boots. I don't even think they care what kind they are as long as they are somewhat cute.  My oldest loves her tall riding boots right now, she likes to find outfits that will work with them.  My middle child is obsessed with cowgirl boots. She wore out a pair so much, I had to ban them from school.  Thankfully, I found a replacement pair the other day.  She wants to wear them all the time.  And the toddler, loves her 2 pair of brown boots.  Cowboy boots and riding boots.  Anyway, today, I had to do mom things.  Running errands being one of those things.  The two older sisters were at school, so I just had the toddler.  We made a Walmart run, for groceries mainly.  I really don't like going there.  Well, my toddler wasn't having it towards the end, and kept flinging her boots off.  She has learned this new fun trick.  So she flings it and then smiles and says sorry.  I then get to go find where it went.  So, I took her boots away.  Heaven forbid that would happen.  So that made her mad.  We made it to the parking lot, she was still mad, so I gave her her boots back to try and get her to stop yelling.  Well that was a bad choice because that made her mad. Apparently giving her what she wanted didn't make her happy in that moment.  I tried to put my bags in the van, and get her in the van and buckle her up.
We get home and she's still not too happy with me.  She wanted to play outside while we waited for her sisters.  She needed her boots.  I saw her shopping cart cover, and on top there was one boot...
Noooooooo! somehow when we I was rushing to load the van and get her in and shut the door since she was upset, one of her boots fell out.  I couldn't find it anywhere.  So as soon as the girls god off of the bus, we headed back to walmart. I looked all around where I had parked, I looked under all of the cars. While I was looking, a man saw me and asked if I was looking for a little boot.  "why yes I am" I replied.  He told me that someone just picked it up and brought it to the customer service desk.  
Yay! We got it back. And this time, she was happy to put it back on.  
Why do kids one minute love something and the next minute they can't stand it.  
So I learned my lesson today, make sure I have both shoes when loading the kids in the car. 
The positive is, we had a fun adventure trying to figure out where the boot was. And the big girls were super helpful.  My oldest won two stuffed animals in the claw machine at walmart.